The IllyTemporary Shop Interior Design

This is a temporary shop that Caterina Tiazzoldi has designed for coffee brand Illy. The shop is located in Milan Italy and it features a very intriguing design. The concept of this space is conceived for a reconfigurable store so that information technology would exist possible to recreate it when a final location will be chosen.

Illy temporary shop View in gallery

The space is characterized by different modulations of a single element. It's a basically a conglomerate of cubes with a 45 x 45 cm-squared base. The combinatory logic – inspired by genetic algorithms procedure – permits to perform over 3000 configurations of the aforementioned object. It's a very strange but also a very interesting and unique concept for a shop. There is a total of 200 cubes in there, specifically designed to adapt to the different dimensional limerick of Illy Café's products.

Illy temporary shop1 View in gallery
Illy temporary shop2 View in gallery
Illy temporary shop3 View in gallery
Illy temporary shop4 View in gallery

The table, the desk counter, the storage units, the lighting system, the video frames, the communication devices and the recycling bins are all made of the same units. The modular cubes tin can exist reconfigured and this makes them extremely versatile. The interior décor is very disorientating. It tin expand and change its look and it's a mysterious and intriguing space. The customers go the impression that they're in a sort of game where they e'er detect something new and where their sight speedily changes from one side to the other.


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